Posts Tagged ‘beans’

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The other day within my wondrous list of google reader feeds, For the Love of Food blog featured chickpea nibbles and like the dog in the movie Up! I saw squirrel!! Beans, salt, crunch, hunger – I was so making this snack right now even though I was mid-sentence in … Read More

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A well-stocked cupboard is essential for turning out good meals in a crunch. Although I love to collect exotic dried beans at the farmers market, cooking them is usually a weekend activity. Thank goodness my mother-in-law, Cuban queen of beans, taught me that canned beans are a perfectly acceptable substitute … Read More

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[april]Planning one vegetarian dinner a week is a simple way to a healthier diet. Unfortunately, we scientists confused y’all in the 70’s by obsessing that vegetarian meals needed to contain all 26 “essential amino acids.” Cross-referencing tables of ingredients is not conducive to whipping up meals for hungry families. Moreover, … Read More

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It’s Friday, one day from being up to our shoulder pads in football both on the sidelines of my son’s rec league and on the sofa yelling bad and good things as Defensive Coach ofremote controlfor a Big Ten alma mater. Further, the teenager will be sequestered with a laptop, … Read More

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